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From Pastor Sheli's Weekly 'Prayer & Praise' email
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Weekly Announcements
Happy 25th Anniversary Pastors Steve & Sheli!
Current Series: God's Big 10
Feb 22nd…Women’s Breakfast 10:00am
Feb 23...Anniversary Reception Following Service
Feb 27...Women's Breakfast
March 2...Youth Class Following Worship
SOCIAL- Instagram & YouTube @ Redeemed Church Vancouver WA
Good Morning Church Family! God is able and faithful! For those of you in Portland/Vancouver area we have been blessed with a Valentine's Day covered in white! Schools and businesses have been closed (most for the day) and families are home together. What a wonderful gift the Lord has given us for today!! I woke up praying for God's love to be felt by every person in my family and extended family and I am now speaking that over all of you! Father, let your love... that casts out fear and brings peace, cover, surround, and hold every person reading this email today in Jesus name. Remind them of where you have brought them from and how dear they are to you. Let them literally feel that love with them today and for each of us, draw us closer to You! Let it be a day filled with expressions of Your love for us but also of our love for You, Lord! Help us not to wait for national holidays to be reminded of Your love or our love for You. Let us wake up everyday, with praise on our lips and a declaration of our love for you. In Jesus name, amen!
God's love is an amazing thing. Just reading through a few verses you can see things that jump out about His love... (You should take time to look up each verse to read about His love for you.)
John 3:16..."sooooo loved"
Romans 5:5... "poured into our hearts"
1John 4:7-8... "God IS love"
Jeremiah 31:3... "everlasting love"
1 John 3:1... "great love"
Psalm 109:26... "unfailing love"
Psalm 86:15... "abounding love"
Now, let's put these together... "We are soooo loved... He poured His love into our hearts... He IS love... His love is everlasting.... His love is great.... His love is unfailing and it abounds to us!" Wow!! He is the greatest Valentine we could ever have!! Remember the candy conversation hearts we ate as kids? Each one had a message of love. God is giving us His conversations hearts every time we open the Word and read a verse about love! His doesn't come in a box but rather a book! He loves us so much that He has put those messages of love throughout the Bible for us to find. Do you remember when someone left you a special message of love? The excitement to see what the message inside would say to you? Then reading the words and how they touched your heart? God has left messages of His love for us throughout the Word and when we read them they don't just touch our hearts, they transform our lives!! His love is powerful!! It is life changing and it reaches depths in us that no other love can reach. Today, I encourage you to open the Bible and find one of the messages He has left for you in His word about His love for you. Don't just read through and keep going.... pause and really think about what it means and let His love touch your heart, change you, heal you, transform you and bless you!! Happy Valentine's Day Church Family and know that you are loved and prayed for!! Blessings, Pastors Sheli and Steve
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