Good Morning Church Family!  God is able and faithful!   Aren't you so glad for wisdom?  I know I am today!  There are a lot of things in my life that I have breakthroughs on when I finally got the wisdom of what I needed to do. No wonder Solomon told us to love wisdom and to do whatever we need to do to get it in our lives!  Wisdom is a wonderful tool!  I have been believing for my shoulder to be healed and most of you have been praying for me too! (Thank you!!)  The constant pain had gone away a few weeks ago but I had been having a hard time at night waking up to pain.  I had been praying for the Lord to show me what to do and waiting to get into my doctor.  I did things I thought I should be doing and stayed away from things I thought would hurt it less but really I was just guessing.  What I needed was wisdom!!  I saw my doctor yesterday and she gave me some very simple adjustments to what I was doing.  I tried them and guess what???  Wisdom worked!!  I slept through the whole night and woke up pain free this morning.  It has been weeks since that has happened.  Most of what she explained, I already knew but sometimes just hearing someone with authority say something we already know helps to validate it. 
     Colossians 2:15 says, "Having disarmed principalities and powers, He (Jesus) made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it."   This is from a letter that Paul was writing the church in Colosse.  They were needing to be reminded of who Christ was in their lives and who they were in Him.  It was probably something they all already knew, but coming from Paul, their mentor and father in the faith it was validated in their lives.  Somewhere along the lines they had forgotten that they were no longer slaves to sin but that they had been raised up with Christ!  Thank you Jesus for all you have done!!!  So, Paul is reminding them of what they are because of what Jesus did.  Wisdom... he was giving them the wisdom they needed to get their breakthrough!  You see sometimes the miracle we are looking for is something that we already have the key for.  It's just having the wisdom to know how to use that key!!  Paul was reminding them that they were not dead in their sins any longer!  No!  They were made alive with Jesus!  Hallelujah!  He goes on to share that everything that had once been held against them... Jesus had wiped away!  So they are alive and exonerated!  Now that's reason for rejoicing but Paul doesn't stop there.  He reminds them that Jesus disarmed the devil and his cohorts and not just disarmed them... he made a public spectacle of them!  Yes!!  Thank you Jesus!  Hallelujah!  Jesus ALREADY triumphed over them and because of what He did, you and I don't have to let them keep doing it!  They have been defeated ALREADY!!  Later in that passage, Paul tells them not to let anyone cheat them of their reward.  In Christ, we have the victory ALREADY so we are just to claim our reward as victors!  Can you see why this was so important for Paul to bring to light?  The church at Colosse was getting kicked around and run over because they lacked or had forgotten the wisdom of what Jesus had already done for them.  Again, they probably had heard all of this before from Paul and others who shared the Gospel with them but they had forgotten it.  They had keys but they lacked the wisdom to know how to use them.  
     Maybe there is something in your life today that you are lacking wisdom for.  Maybe a healing or breakthrough or salvation... whatever your need is today, above all... get wisdom!  If you have wisdom, you will know what key to use to open the door to your miracle!  Most of the time it isn't something world changing that makes the difference.  Most of the time it is a truth we already know that we need to be reminded of and put it into practice.  Just as Paul reminded the church family in Colosse, I remind you today.  You are not a slave to your circumstance or the sin that tries to ensnare us!  No!! You have been made alive in Christ!  Your past and the things people have written or spoken about you was nailed to the cross and it no longer has a hold on you!  And most importantly, don't let one more day go by feeling like the devil and his tactics are too strong for you!!!  You ALREADY have the victory because of what Jesus did and because He triumphed... you are triumphing everyday of your life!!  Wisdom is an essential part of living a victorious life.  So, in the words of King Solomon the wisest man who ever lived, "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom!" (Proverbs 4)  Have a blessed rest of your week Church Family and let's get wisdom for all the amazing keys of breakthrough God has given us!!! 

Blessings,  Pastors Sheli and Steve









"Where Love Reigns!"

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